Saturday, December 31, 2011

Philips AVENT ISIS Twin Electronic Breast Pump

Designed for Comfort Inspired by nature Our unique BPA-Free pump is designed with an electronic memory that puts you in control by learning and continuing your personal pumping style. More Info please go to official website

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Discount Breast Pumps

!9#: Discount Breast Pumps

Many new mothers choose to get used breast pumps to feed their babies to save money, but they should be careful. Even though used breast pumps are more affordable than new ones, there are possible legal and health implications involved.

A breast pump labeled "single user" should both be legally sold according to the FDA, as it is intended only for one user. Reselling such pumps is not in accordance with the FDA. Hence, the FDA can take legal action against such sales.

Many breast pumps are designated as ""single user"" devices since they cannot be cleaned completely to ensure that the breast milk of the original user is not still within the pump system. Because of this, the possibilities of transmitting diseases through a used breast pump exist. It is suggested to read the operating instructions that came with the breast pump at the time of purchasing it to find out the designation given to the pump by the FDA

Some of the single-user breast pumps are Avent breast pumps, The Ameda ® Purely Yours breast pump, WhisperWear® breast pump, and the Medela Pump In Style® breast pump.

Some breast pumps that are not labeled ""single user"" devices are Medela Classic(TM) breast pump, Medela Lactina® breast pump, Ameda Lact-E ® breast pump, and Ameda Elite® breast pump.

Usually the hospital grade breast pumps and pumps often used specifically as rental pumps are the multi user designated pumps.

When considering selling or buying a used breast pump, determine whether or not the pump is a ""single user"" pump. Find out from the seller and check the product information to be sure.

To be safe, breast pumps must never be shared, resold, or borrowed among mothers. Product warranty given on a single user breast pump becomes void by multiple users.

Rental pumps are safe to use by multiple mothers who have their own personal kits. However, they should be used according to the instructions, Ameda sells personal pump kits approved by the FDA.

Discount Breast Pumps

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Medela Breast Pump Rentals in Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg

One Tiny Suitcase, an authorized rental station for MEDELA products shows you the features of the MEDELA Symphony pump for new moms. New moms in Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg enjoy FREE delivery of our Medela Symphony breast pump rentals. If you are pregnant and looking for Breastfeeding information, please visit our website at

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Medela Symphony Plus Hospital Grade Breast Pump - BPA Free #0240208

!9#Medela Symphony Plus Hospital Grade Breast Pump - BPA Free #0240208

Brand : Medela
Rate :
Price : $1,549.00
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 11:33:27
Usually ships in 2-3 business days

Here comes Medela's latest innovation in hospital-grade electric double pumps Symphony, tested and proven to reduce pumping time. The first and only breastpump with a 2-Phase Pumping Program. Let-Down and then a slower, deeper rhythm for efficient milk expression. The pumping programs are stored on a program card, which enable the programs to be utilized in the future. Symphony implements the results of extensive research on electric breast pumps initiated by Medela; and conducted by internationally renowned lactation researcher Peter Hartmann, Ph.D. Medela products are not only durable, but rated as the best quality Breast Pumps of which the Medela Hospital Grade Breastpumps are the latest improvement. This model comes with both options of battery powered (including battery pack) and wall powered including the wall adapter.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

NUK Gentle Flow Single Electric Breastpump, White

!9# NUK Gentle Flow Single Electric Breastpump, White

Brand : NUK | Rate : | Price : $59.99
Post Date : Nov 09, 2011 16:03:39 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Suction strength controlled and flexible ergonomic opti-form breast shield TPE Coating
  • Compact hand held design with battery and power operation
  • To prevent milk spill-over, the pump turns off automatically with a tilt angle of more than 65 degrees and will turn back on when the tilt angle is less than 65 degrees; special program chip technology
  • On the go the gentle flow pump allows a convenient operation thanks to its compact design and the possibility of choosing between voltage adapter and battery operation
  • Fewer parts for quick and easy assembly and cleaning

More Specification..!!

NUK Gentle Flow Single Electric Breastpump, White

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bottle Feeding Twins

!9# Bottle Feeding Twins

[if ]

Firstly, do not feel guilty about the decision to bottle feed your twins. This is probably the one time where you will not be pressured by your midwife or health visitor to breast feed. 

Bottle Feeding Twins means that you do have to be slightly more organized and you will need a good supply of bottles, teats, baby formula and of course a good sterilizing system. 

When your twins are newborn, you will be feeding on average 6-8 bottles per baby per day so in one day you may be making 16 feeds in total. The recommendation is that each bottle should be made fresh for each feed although this isn't really practical with twins. I soon discovered that I had to make batches of milk just to cope with the demands of my hungry twins.

I would always make 6 bottles in one go purely because that is how many bottles the sterilizer would hold. To be honest I always felt slightly nervous when there were only two feeds left in the fridge and that was my queue to make 6 more. I always made sure there were enough feeds to get us through the night. The last thing you want is to run out of feeds during the night and have to make two whilst your twins are waking the neighbors! 

The other recommendation is not to heat bottles in the microwave but with extra care any responsible twin mum will opt for the microwave method. Once again you don't want to wait for two bottles to warm in a bottle warmer, jug of warm water or any other slow heating method. Your twins want feeding and they will scream until they get it!

We also kept a small fridge and a microwave upstairs in our en suite bathroom to store the night feeds. This saved us the journey downstairs in the middle of the night and allowed us to get the milk to our hungry babies promptly.

Another tip would be to purchase a spare kettle and only use it for boiling and cooling water for the milk feeds. It saves the annoyance of your cooling boiled water in the kettle being re-boiled for a cup of tea!

Bottle Feeding Twins allows someone else to help with the feeding. However, it can be tricky when you have a double feed and no help available. It is best to feed your twins at the same time if possible to keep them in a much needed routine and to save time. 

A good place to carry out a double feed is by placing your twins in their car seats or chairs and sitting in between them holding a bottle in with each hand. Another way is to create pillow props on your bed and once again sit in between them holding both bottles in. It's difficult when one baby finishes their feed or stops in the middle and needs winding whilst the other is still feeding. Often I propped the bottle up with a small pillow so one baby could feed while I picked up the other. 

There are items on the market available for hands free feeding which may be of some assistance when bottle feeding twins. As with all aspects of parenting twins you need to practical, flexible and creative...

Bottle Feeding Twins

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump w/ Carry All Bag 17077

!9# Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump w/ Carry All Bag 17077

Rate : | Price : | Post Date : Oct 13, 2011 10:06:08
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Microchip technology allows independent adjustment of suction levels and cycle speed to accommodate mother's personal comfort level and to closely simulate baby's nursing patterns. Stylish new tote is versitile and up-to-date, providing a discreet manner in which to transport the pump wherever mom needs to go! Mothers can pump anywhere with this convenient pump that operates via AC adapter, car adapter, or AA batteries. Removable insulated Cool 'N Carry milk storage tote keeps milk cold for hours Ameda offers a wide variety of Breast Pumps

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Top Ten Good News Stories of 2006

!9# Top Ten Good News Stories of 2006

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Despite wars and violence in the Middle Ease, if you have created all the good news in 2006, the world looking a lot brighter. Making steady progress, global warming, species extinction, oil dependency and illness in 2006, as well as trends toward peace and sustainability back it deserves praise. Presentation of the Assembly 8 Best Stories of the good news ...

1) Steps in bold in 2006, reducing global warming

o An important step was taken to preserve the victoryhearts and minds of world citizens in the cause of reducing global warming when Al Gore premiered the film, An Inconvenient Truth. With it's theatrical release came an expansion of our understanding of climate change.

o Stars like Brad Pitt cast a spotlight on Green building practices that help reduce warming. He helped create a Sustainable Design Competition for New Orleans this year and when the winner was announced, a 'green' housing plan was unveiled for the city's Lower Ninth Ward incorporating the newest sustainable technologies to cut pollution, as well as energy costs by 50 to 60 percent.

o British billionaire, Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Conglomerate (and Virgin records and airline) announced in September he will personally invest billion in alternative energy initiatives. He committed all personal profits from his airlines and rail company for the next ten years toward developing energy sources that do not contribute to global warming.

o As of October, 2006, 320 mayors of US cities had boldly gone where the U.S. president would not -- into the forefront with 164 nations to embrace the Kyoto Accord setting targets that will lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 2012. Big cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and Dallas have signed on to Seattle mayor Greg Nickels' Climate Protection Initiative pooling their best ideas to share with smaller cities.

o In one of the biggest environmental victories this year, the Bush Administration issued new rules in June requiring oil refineries to begin making ultra-low-sulfur diesel (ULSD), a fuel with 97 percent less sulfur than ordinary diesel, which will cut smog-forming emissions by 10 percent. A spokesman for the Natural Resources Defense Council called the new EPA rule "the biggest step toward cutting vehicle pollution since lead was taken out of gasoline two decades ago."

2) Billionaire Warren Buffett Leads New Wave of Generosity w/ Largest Donation Ever

o Warren Buffett, the world's second richest man - worth billion - said in June he will begin to give away 85% of his wealth to foundations focused on world health -- eradicating diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis -- and on improving U.S. libraries and high schools. The value of his donation today is billion, the largest philanthropic gift in history.

o The percentage of Americans volunteering has reached a 30-year high says a new study. It is fueled in part by the boom in teens pitching in for their communities. "We may be on the cusp of a new civic generation," said the director of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which has tracked volunteer rates since 1974.

o In the same year it stopped receiving global food aid, China emerged as the world's third largest food donor, according to a report by the World Food Programme released in August. Another success story is India's transformation as a recipient of food aid in 2000 to becoming the 15th largest donor to WFP last year.

o The number of family foundations and nonprofits doubled in the past five years. For the wealthy, giving money or creating charities to make a difference in the world is becoming 'the cool thing to do'.

3) Environmentalists Heartened by Recovery of Many Endangered Species

o Called the Earth's richest seascape, scientists have discovered hugely diverse fish and coral populations thriving off Indonesia's Papua coastlines including more than 50 species of fish, coral and mantis shrimp previously unknown to science, like the "walking" shark that travels on its fins. It included 600 species of reef-building coral alone.

o Researchers studying coral reefs in the Arabian Gulf have found encouraging signs that corals are regenerating and the entire range may be re-established within a decade. At least 18 out of an original 36 species of coral found in the region have recovered from damage suffered due to past climatic events.

o A new study says the world's forests appear to be making a comeback, with countries like China and the US more thickly wooded than they were over 100 years ago. Larger trees have grown in number within 22 of the 50 most forested countries.

o Four Javan rhinos born in August in Indonesia constituted a surprising baby boom for a species that may be reduced to fewer than 60 individuals worldwide. These are the first known births for the Javan rhinos in three years.

o Black rhino numbers are up 20 percent in Kenya, after years of decline from poaching and habitat loss, a healthy increase that surpassed even conservationists targets.

o After nearly four decades on the endangered species list, bald eagles are soaring once again, their population climbing from a dismal count of just 417 nesting pairs in the continental United States in 1963 to more than 7,000 today. It was decided in February the eagles of the US no longer needed protection under the Endangered Species Act.

o To protect species in the future, the Bush Administration, in a historic move, encircled Hawaii with the world's largest marine preserve, home to 7000 marine species, at least a quarter of which are found nowhere else. The huge sanctuary is larger than all US National Parks combined, stretching the distance from Chicago to Florida.

4) Nepal Celebrates Renewed Peace as More Countries, Women Vote Worldwide

o Nepal was transformed in 2006 by a series of dramatic events that propelled the country to the brink of peace after ten years of insurgent fighting and 13,000 dead. In April, thousands took to the streets to protest the shutting down of parliament, defying the shoot-on-sight curfews. The Maoist insurgents eager to establish a republic, seized the moment, declared a unilateral ceasefire and joined a seven-party alliance that forced the king to relinquish power. Nepal's new cabinet dropped terrorist charges against the Maoists and called for redrawing, together, a new constitution. A peace agreement was later signed disarming the rebels in return for their joining the Democratic process.

o In other democratic developments, Kuwaitis voted in historic parliamentary elections which, for the first time, allowed women to cast ballots and stand as candidates. "It feels like a wedding day," said one Kuwaiti women on her way to the poll. Women made up 28 of the 252 candidates in the June election.

o The Democratic Republic of Congo voted in its first multi-party election in 40 years this October. "Many people walked miles to get to the polling stations, and some queued overnight, waiting for them to open."

o The United Arab Emirates, a Persian Gulf state that was created in 1971, took one baby step on the path to general election polling for all, holding its first election this month.

5) Bono Joins Kenya Providing Free AIDS Drugs, Saving Thousands

o Hollywood and corporate stars added their heft to efforts funneling money into AIDS programs. Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington donated million to a Los Angeles charity helping to find homes for the 17 million children made orphans by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

o Bono created the Product Red campaign to raise funds for the Global Fund to fight AIDS. He was joined by Oprah, Armani, Apple, The Gap and Motorola in rolling out the RED campaign that allows Americans to help fight AIDS in Africa by doing what they do best: shopping! Special edition products, like RED iPods will donate a portion of sales to the cause (Apple contributing from each RED nano sold).

o Kenya's president announced in June that anti-retroviral drugs will now be free to all people with AIDS within all of the nation's clinics and hospitals. Kenya is one of the few countries that have reduced their citizens' HIV rate -- from 14% in 1997 to 4% today.

o India also announced this year they will provide free anti-retroviral drugs for 100,000 Indians by early 2007 as part of a program which has already treated 35,000 people.

6) Natural Cures Effective Against Cancer, Parkinson's and ADHD

o Omega-3 Fish Oil has proven to be a better ADHD Treatment than stimulant drugs like Ritalin commonly prescribed for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to new research.

o A striking correlation was revealed this year between violence and nutrients in the diet. A clinical trial at the US government's National Institutes for Health and earlier studies involving people with violent records found that those given supplements have been able for the first time to control their anger and aggression.

o While suffering from a loss of speech and inability to walk, an Australian man was severely dissatisfied with western medical treatment and prognosis for Parkinson's Disease. He decided to pursue other methods and with the aid of homeopathy, alternative therapies, counseling, meditation and spiritual development, he was completely symptom-free within three and a half years. His book called, Stop Parkin' and Start Livin,' is a do-it-yourself menu for reversing the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

o A new treatment for skin cancer made from the sap of a common garden weed has proven effective on 71 percent of basal cell carcinomas in Australia. In phase II test results released in May, the PEP005 Topical gel cleared up the most common type of skin cancer in just two applications on two consecutive days. The plant, petty spurge has been used for years in Australia to treat cancerous spots on the skin.

o Topping off this year in health was the release of new analysis of breast cancer rates in American women that revealed a startling decline in the disease. Researchers believe that millions of older women refraining from taking hormone pills led to 14,000 fewer cases of tumors in 2003.

7) Boom in Internet Video Spreads Inspiration and Hugs to Millions o Utilizing YouTube and MySpace, citizens are uploading inspiring videos bringing tears to the eyes of millions whom they've never met -- and hugs.

o A video documenting the real life story of Juan Mann whose sole mission was giving free hugs to strangers on a crowded pedestrian street in Sydney became so popular on You Tube, that it has been viewed almost 8 million times since September. It sparked others to go out with hand-painted signs offering Free Hugs, and also landed him on Oprah.

o Another example of a video that spread virally though e-mail and blogs was an autistic kid shooting a miracle round of basketball for his high school team, the first time he was ever on the court.

o The You in YouTube was honored this year as Time's Person of the Year, not just for videos, but for all the citizen journalists who blogged and uploaded their point of view for all to see.

8) Wars On the Wane Worldwide as Reconciliation Unites Divisions

o The world has become dramatically more peaceful since 1992, according to the Human Security Report. The number of wars, coup d'etats, and acts of genocide has declined by 40 percent. Weapons sales between countries have dropped 33 percent during the same time, and the number of refugees has diminished by 45 percent.

o The best story of reconciliation and forgiveness in 2006 arose not between two rival countries or militias, but in a small Amish town where a gunman shot five girls to death in a schoolhouse. The community of Amish Christians, whose girls were lost, had forgiven the man by that evening. In fact, they were discussing ways they could help the family of the killer, a non-Amish man who lived nearby. "They were planning to send a contingent over, perhaps bringing some food..." Marie Roberts, the shooter's wife, sent a letter saying she was "overwhelmed by the forgiveness, grace and mercy" shown to her family.

o Two of the most dangerous street gangs in Boston embraced a quiet negotiated truce which has dramatically reduced bloodshed. The Boston Globe reported that "violence stopped abruptly in July, when a temporary cease-fire took effect and in the nearly four months since, there has not been a single shooting, while overall violent crime where the gang members live has plummeted by as much as 80 percent."

o The Basque separatist group in Spain, announced a permanent ceasefire after four decades of armed military resistance with the aim of "promoting a democratic process." Religious leaders in the country urged forgiveness. "The news prompted jubilation across the country, where ordinary citizens said they can hardly believe the end has come for a group blamed for more than 850 deaths," reported The Scotsman in March.

o In Africa and Asia peace was breaking out far and wide. Cease fire agreements were signed between rebel groups and governments in Sudan, Burundi, Mali, and between feuding countries Nigeria and Cameroon with the help of the United Nations. In India and Uganda, unilateral cease fires were announced and peaceful talks sought by resistance groups responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.

o And if that weren't enough peace for you, an ancient Silk Road reopened high in the Himalayas this summer marking the beginning of a new era in trade and diplomatic relations between massive neighbors China and India after more than 40 years of war, mistrust and suspicion.

9) Corporations Lead Green Movement in Autos, Recycling and Sustainability


o "Electric vehicles, gasoline-electric hybrids, diesels, flex-fuel and hydrogen-powered cars are inching up the consumer on-ramp at a faster pace, judging from world debuts of 21 alternative-fuel vehicles," reported the Christian Science Monitor from December's international Los Angeles Auto Show.

o Richard Branson and his Virgin Group went green in September, launching an investment fund for developing environmentally friendly fuels investing up to 0m (EUR315.6m) in renewable energy initiatives with the new Virgin Fuels over three years.

o Leaders of the big three US automakers pledged in a letter to the US Congress in June to double production of flexible-fuel vehicles by 2010 adding incentive to fuel providers to produce ethanol and other biofuels and install pumps. They've produced 5 million flexible-fuel vehicles so far, which can run on gasoline or fuel blends of up to 85 percent ethanol and project an additional 1 million vehicles this year and 2 million annually by 2010.

o GM unveiled a new green auto plant in Michigan touted as the "most environmentally friendly auto plant in the world" using innovative energy and water saving techniques.

o Toyota North America president, Jim Press, announced his company's plans to develop a hybrid vehicle that will run on batteries charged by a common electrical outlet. For long drives it will be able to use gasoline, or even alternative fuels like ethanol or bio-diesel (made from vegetable scraps or discarded cooking oils). He holds a vision for the future in which we drive cars that actually "clean the air" going coast to coast on a single tank of fuel.

o Tesla Motors' goal is to design a sports car that would go as fast as a Ferrari or Porsche -- but run on electricity. Their first model is "a sleek two-seater called the Roadster" looking something like "a Lotus Elise." ... Their main competition might be the Tango, another sporty two-seater. At 195 miles per gallon, zero to 60 in four seconds... the electric supercar is here. Made by Commuter Cars, Inc. George Clooney himself was one of the first buyers.


o Dell computers, hailed as one of the most environmentally conscious computer makers, launched a free recycling program in the U.S. They are the first to offer free computer recycling -- to anyone owning a Dell, whether or not you are purchasing a new one. Owners can even schedule a home pick-up of their Dell device at no charge.

o More environmentally friendly computer equipment is available thanks to manufacturers like Dell, HP, and others that now have products containing reduced levels of cadmium, lead, and mercury to better protect human health. They are easier to recycle and meet the government's Energy Star guidelines for efficiency.

o The Australian Food and Grocery Council revealed that about 90% of waste and by-products from the food and grocery manufacturers surveyed in 2006 was being reused or recycled, with less than 10% going to landfill. Industry participants in the survey have also reduced energy use by 14%, water use by 21% and greenhouse emissions by 29% since 2003.

o Companies who once fought against environmentalists in court are finding today that recycling makes good economic sense. Customers appreciate that Starbucks uses recycled cardboard and wish it would use more, but the new twist is that sustainable paper saves the corporation money.


o Enterprise Rent-A-Car will commemorate its 50th anniversary by pledging the unprecedented gift of 50 million trees to The National Arbor Day Foundation. Enterprise has formed a partnership with the Foundation to plant 50 million trees over the next 50 years - a gift of more than million.

o Big companies like DuPont are putting serious money into developing "bio fuel" -- motor fuel that is processed from the waste of corn stalks. DuPont wants to replace many of their current factories that use oil, with biorefineries like the one they opened this year, in Loudon, Tenn., that uses corn to manufacter many products like its Sorona carpet fiber, cosmetics, soaps and detergents. The factory consumes 40 percent less energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent versus its petroleum-based ancestors.

o With the new reality of crude oil in the US, the plastics industries are turning to corn and fast-growing switchgrass to manufacture everything from carpet to car parts. Bio-degradable and reusable shopping bags made of corn, called BioBags, will break down in a landfill -- or home composter -- within four to 12 weeks.

o Belu Natural Mineral Water introduced the UK's first biodegradable and compostable plastic bottle. The revolutionary bottle is made from corn instead of oil and can be commercially composted back into soil in 80 days. "This can dramatically reduce the amount of rubbish going into landfills and gives everyone an easy way to help protect the environment," said the company's founder.

o To top off this year's active pursuit of the "green" dollar by corporations, further green investment is on the horizon from venture capital firms. They are poised to invest hundreds of millions into the emerging "green technologies" believing them to be as lucrative as anything that preceded them in Silicon Valley. That means we'll soon see more solutions to environmental problems that could shrink landfills, clean up the air and water, and help ween us from our addiction to oil.

10) Pelosi Seeks to Heal Rifts as First Female US House Speaker

Nancy Pelosi, 66, will become the first female House leader and the highest-ranking woman in U.S. political history -- second in line behind the president. Voters weary of corruption cheered her election night victory speech when Ms. Pelosi stated intentions to lead the most honest and open House in history. She stressed her plans to proceed in a bipartisan fashion to find solutions to the Iraq crisis. Civility is something this grandmother wants to return to the halls of Congress

In November elections nationwide, Americans seemed not to be as hypnotized by fear -- and the suggestion that a vote for Democrats would be a "win for the terrorists". It seemed like some of the poison had been drawn out of the body politic. The system of checks and balances -- the genius of the US Constitution -- won big, with civility and competence the winning platform. By voting against the arrogance of power, common sense Americans affirmed solution-oriented good governance. The vital center of American politics has realigned and it is a recipe for moderation.

Here's wishing for a better year in 2007!

Top Ten Good News Stories of 2006

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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

As for the diagnosis of cancer Deal

!9# As for the diagnosis of cancer Deal

[if ]

I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed in March 2005, and is now almost two years since I have undergone the treatment.

As I was getting good test results last week - my CAT scan was clear - I have received emails from two friends. One was diagnosed with cervical cancer in the ovaries with tumors further. And 'their tubes and ovaries removed, and scheduled for radiotherapy and chemotherapy. My other friend told me their mother diagnosed with canceron his gall bladder, which distributed his liver and intestines. It 'made at this time.

What I noticed is that even if I am in the woods with my own cancer and feel fit and healthy, others just beginning their journey. I could realize what I went through and what I have learned to use for others.

If you have recently been diagnosed with cancer or have had a loved one, then this article is for you.

My story

I was diagnosed in March 2005involved with cervical cancer, only 4 days later. The treatment was initially recommended a total hysterectomy. Luckily there was a new operation called trachelectomy available to young women who wanted to preserve fertility. This included the removal of the cervix, but leaves the uterus and the ovaries - the majority of viable material. Of the approximately 100 women who had surgery about 70% are able to design and deliver by caesarean section. Then the child is stillpossible for me, although I did 2 years of clearing the doctor recommended.

After surgery, they found more tumors in the lymph nodes were removed. The doctors have recommended four cycles of chemotherapy, cysplatin to be exact, just to be sure that any cancer remaining knock to the head. Cysplatin is a pretty serious drug, and had a serious impact - I felt bad and terrible for 10 days after each round. My last treatment was the August 8, 2005.I ran a marathon seven months later. It seems surreal to me now, but time was running a marathon is exactly what I needed a new focus on life and the quality of life.

However, dealing with the diagnosis was the first step. And 'my intention that this article and the accompanying audio help each other, before a diagnosis is obtained through the first few weeks.

Here are a few things you can do and think and experience to help you - to choose what feels right for you. The first thing toAnd 'to try to reduce stress in your life as possible. You must be calm, relaxed, in order to deal with what in front of you.

They manage?

First of all, knows that as long as you breathe, you're set. Start from there. Breathe. Ensure you're alive and you're OK. Breathe.

Eating properly. I saw a nutritionist after my diagnosis. I had a pretty good diet, I was a vegetarian and a runner, but I knew that all I could do was to promoteHealing. I also gave some control over the process of how my life has been taken over by the medical examinations, results of tests and therapies applied.

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Avoid anything that a stressor on the system - to reduce or eliminate alcohol, sugar, cigarettes and caffeine. Here you will find a nutritionist or go to a health food store, taking the vitamins. Additional doses of vitamin B, C, selenium, have all been good for me. Be sure to consult a professional for the rightDosages.

Exercise. Keep your body moving gently as possible with the operations and treatments. Stretching is good - stick to your body. Exercise helps to use the lymphatic system, helps the heart and lungs have to work and pump toxins. You can connect with your body to feel alive. Movement empowers you.

Meditate. Before I was diagnosed with cancer, I always knew that meditation should be good for you, but I nevernothing. Willing to do what is to lend support to my healing, I began to meditate. It was like a blessing, it helped me release a lot of emotional stress and I felt so calm and relaxed and calm afterwards. You can tape of relaxation, meditation CDs, or if this is just beautiful music, or guided imagery, or simply lie back and relax. The idea is to center yourself and calm down - to feel the source of life energy, which is connected in each of us, in allthe world around us.

View. It 'was a good way to stay focused. After surgery I could barely walk two steps, during the week before I had to run 38 km. This could have stopped me, but I decided what I wanted to make my body for me to concentrate. I imagined it to run, he feels fit, free and full of energy. This helped me get out of bed every day and shuffle a few feet of the corridor. Although my present body was not capable of so much, in my mind I heardI'm running and bounding over the hills, feeling of fullness of life. Every day I am stronger, and I see my body every day, as I should. As I said, 7 months after I ran a marathon.

Read some good books. One of the first things I did was go to the library. I wanted to teach me my disease and learn from people who have similar experiences had left. I bought a ton of books on how to heal itself, cancer, etc. best trips I've found LanceArmstrong: "This is not the bike," Brandon Bays "The Journey", Louise Hay "You can heal your life," Paul Kraus: "Living with cancer," Petrea "Quest for Life" King, Petrea King, "The your life things. "Each of them had something to teach me. Just go to the library and then purchase the health section, or self-help section and the books you like.

Get a massage that often. Massage is another way to relax and helps the body's own healing by the fluid, lymph, andRelease stored emotional energy. You can also use a different type of energy healing doctor - perhaps a kinesiologist or cranio-sacral therapists and Reiki practitioners. Find someone you trust and enjoy. The point is to feel good.

Use a diary. There is so much what's going on in your head and heart with a diagnosis of cancer. Some of them want to share, and that many of you probably do not have. In any case, is to wash the head and the heart of all the thoughts that go there and arearound and yells at you in the head solves a lot of energy and restlessness. Write down everything you think and feel down. The worst thing you can do is leave it running in the head - which makes everything worse. Writing is a relief and a release in your thoughts and feelings. Get it out - let them go.

Let people know what's going on. People who want to help loving you. You have to. Tell them how you - just call if you want to go and talk. Let your lovein your life - give them flowers, cookies, take the books - whatever - the feeling of love and appreciation for you. Be grateful for all this.

Feeling gratitude. The moment I started to look around and appreciate what I have seen and experienced, then my journey began for me the cancer is change. It 'happened when I go through chemotherapy. I had a lot of time at my house. I looked out the window every day and just watching the sunlight on the trees. Then the sky. Then the birds. And Ibegan to feel, to look for them, and with time to appreciate it, thanks. Then I started all the wonderful things that happened to me all the wonderful people in my life, I had all the great adventure. And I started to hear this extraordinary flow of good feelings. I began to understand that cancer had opened to all the wonderful things this good, that all the time, but I had not appreciated before. Then I began to feel gratitude for allCancer has been the one to do things for me: let me slow down and take a break for six months, I really chose to live as if I wanted to allow forward, helped me to clarify what is most important to me. I realized that it was a great gift. The process was arduous, but the gifts were gold.

Practice and grateful for the small and large. Notice the beauty around you. Note the sun on the trees. Be grateful for that. Find happiness and joy of lifeThem.

Stop doing something that does not help you. Stop doing things the "target" in your life. Just what gives us pleasure and joy.

Watching funny movies. Laugh your heart. Rent All Leslie Nielsen (Police Academy), etc. It can cope with. Laugh laugh laugh! Laughter actually produces certain chemicals that help your body heal. It feels really, really good.

Get a copy of The Secret DVD - available in Australia and elsewhere. This is a very powerful film. There is a woman on it that you are cured of cancer through self-love.

Do not give your doctor. How did you find the path of healing to embrace you, accept their form of healing with the spiritual side of things. All forms of healing have a place and can help you recover.

It 'good to have fear. Is it okay to be sad. Is it okay to be angry. Let us hear all this and more - can be heard. Let goto you and drain. It will give you the feeling flushed and cleaned. Get in touch with who you really are - it is pure love and energy towards the center. Feel the love you know.

Cancer is not a death sentence - is a call to life. And 'an invitation to you to love yourself and feel the regret of all your past mistakes, all your past, heal the mistakes of the past. Cancer gives you permission, from all the bullshit in your life and recognize all the goodThings.

Cancer can be a gift for you, if you choose to be so. Give yourself permission to take a break. Give yourself permission to slow down for the right to stop and just be.

And 'My sincere wish for you that once you find your joy, health and love for life. I do not know what will happen during the trip, no one knows how long each of us, with or without cancer. The important thing is that we like. Remember, life is for living.

All the best wishesfor you.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Medela Symphony Breast Pump

!9# Medela Symphony Breast Pump

Brand : Medela
Rate :
Price : $1,289.00
Post Date : Sep 13, 2011 15:29:27
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Symphony is Medela's latest innovation in hospital-grade electric double pumps. With breakthrough 2-Phase Expression pumping, Symphony is proven to reduce pumping time through faster let-down and milk flow and remove as much milk as a breastfeeding baby. Symphony implements the results of extensive research on electric breastpumps initiated by Medela and conducted by internationally renowned lactation researcher Peter Hartmann, Ph.D.What's IncludedSymphony 2.0 Program Card - EnglishAvailable in Spanish and French alsoContainer StandProtector for Card/CordSymphony® BreastpumpModel: 0240108Features and Benefits2-Phase Expression PumpingLong Term Daily UseDouble or Single PumpMulti-User, with personal double pumping system #67099 or #67116Chosen for you and your baby - All parts that come into contact with breastmilk are BPA/DEHP Free.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Breast Pump Reviews

!9# Breast Pump Reviews

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The qualities required of a breast pump, comfort, efficiency, milk production and ease of use for the breastfeeding mother. Currently, companies like Medela and Ameda offer, plus a couple of other companies at the top of the line breast pump.

Mothers need to consult a lactation consultant before you rent or buy a breast pump. It is for rent, in the case of the breast pump, will be easier to purchase a kit hire. This includes the components needed to pumpDairy products. A weekly or monthly rental will be charged by the broker.

The better equipped hospital rental pumps, Medela and Ameda pumps are provided. Medela Medela Symphony hospital grade rental pumps, breast pump rental Lactina Classic. Ameda Ameda Elite provides, and Lact-electric breast pump hire and SMB.

Mothers need to speak with your doctor to write a prescription for a breast pump rental or purchase. Although some insurance companiesCompanies reimburse part or in whole for all the rent or purchase a hospital grade breast pumps retail, depends heavily on the insurance coverage includes medical devices.

Medela Pump in Style breast pump is a long-term that can be used for a second or third child, too. Even if the parties, such as pipes, valves or diaphragms should be replaced with their mothers have a very good investment.

TheMedela Mini Electric breast pump that can also be used a short-term separations between mother and son. Traveling with this is very convenient because it is portable and easy to complete. The pump can be connected to a normal bottle. A transformer is combined with pump, plug it into any outlet or may be provided allowing the pump also driven by two AA batteries. In the event that the two options which are not possible, a manual pump adapter is also providedfor emergencies.

Reviews show that consumers preferred the breast pump breast pump cleaning Yours Ameda, Medela Pump in Style Original Medela Pump In Style and travelers.

Breast Pump Reviews

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ameda Elite Electric Breast Pump with 9ft Cord

!9# Ameda Elite Electric Breast Pump with 9ft Cord

Brand : Ameda | Rate : | Price : $845.95
Post Date : Aug 06, 2011 07:31:35 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The ultimate in medical-grade breast pumps for performance and durability! This electric, piston- driven breast pump by Ameda uses micro-processor technology to deliver your vacuuum and piston cycle choice. Connect the HygieniKit Milk Collection System (not included) to its piston for expression and collection of your breast milk. Designed for multiple users and operational frequency. Used by many maternity hospitals, pharmacies, birthing & lactation centers. Product Benefits • Microchip technology allows independent adjustment of suction levels and cycle speed to accommodate mother's personal comfort level and to closely simulate baby's nursing patterns. • Use in conjunction with any Ameda HygieniKit Milk Collection System. • Easy to carry, clean and operate due to its sleek, lightweight design. Product Features • Infinitely Adjustable Suction Levels and Cycle Speeds. • Microprocessor Controlled, Piston Driven. • Lightweight and Portable. • Works great with the Elite Rental Kit. • Includes 12V Car Power Adapter. • Bottle Holders for Bottles/Freezer Bags. The product referenced on this detail page is sold be Each.

  • Ameda is the only breast pump available that protects breastmilk from bacteria and viruses.

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